Working principles
Sustainability 360º
We emphasize and promote the importance of the social, environmental and economic sustainability of the Cava industry
Our mission
We defend the interests of our partners by contributing to the development of the cava industry, its image and prestige
Joint dialogue
We aim to hold a joint and constructive dialogue taking into account the diversity of our partner companies
Support for competitiveness
We take part in international fairs and structure proposals linked to innovation, sustainability and digitalisation
We promote knowledge and professionalization through our information and training channels
Code of Ethics
The AECAVA Code of Ethics principles and values that demonstrate our commitment to the industry and to society in general
Download the Code of Ethics
General Assembly
The supreme body of our association. It is formed by 75 partner companies.
Board of directors
Mr. Joaquim Tosas
First Vice Chairperson
Mr. Pere Ferrer
Second Vice Chairperson
Mr. Carles Andreu
Carles Andreu
Mrs. M. Rosa Giró
Giró Ribot
Mrs. Maria del Mar Torres
Board members
Mr. Josep Maria Pujol-Busquets
Alta Alella
Mr. Àlex Torelló
Agustí Torelló Mata
Mr. Bruno Colomer
Mr. Ricard Gil
Mrs. Marta Giró
Giró del Gorner
Mr. Pere Escolar
Jaume Serra
Mr. Juan Jódar
Juvé & Camps
Mr. Antoni Olivé
Marquès de la concordia
Mrs. Montserrat Mascaró
Mr. Jaume Vial
Mr. Pere Nin
Most Doré
Mr. Josep Elias
Mr. Josep Cusiné
Parés Baltà
Mr. Pere Ventura
Pere Ventura
Mr. Eugeni Llos
Mr. Joan J. Tetes
Mr. Pedro Muñoz
Roger Goulart
Mr. Josep Palau
Segura Viudas
Mrs. Marta Vidal
Mr. Damià Deàs
Mrs. Maite Esteve
Vins el cep
Communication Commission
Formed by the communications managers of the various associated wineries, its main task is to promote the association’s image and brand, as well as to advise the organization on any related issue.
Chairperson: Joaquim Tosas (Bodegues Sumarroca)
- Christophe Marquet (Covides)
- Cristina Garcia (Castell d’Or)
- Eduard Sanfeliu (Giró Ribot)
- Elisabet Díaz (Carol Vallès)
- Gemma Torelló (Celler Kripta)
- Glòria Collell (Freixenet)
- Joel Alegret (Vilarnau)
- Josep Tetas (Pinord)
- Laura Mur (Codorníu)
- Maria Font (Olivé Batllori)
- Marta Giró (Giró del Gorner)
- Oriol Massana (Celler Eudald Massana)
Roger Burgués (Juvé & Camps)
Ruben Pedregosa (Castelo de Pedregosa)
- Silvia Rodríguez (Masia Vallformosa)
- Valérie Veilleux (Alta Alella)
- Xavier Masat (Perelada)
Human Resources Commission
Negotiates the collective agreement for the Cava and sparkling wines industry of Catalonia, and establishes the association’s training plans as proposed by the various commissions and the association’s staff.
Collective agreement
AECAVA negociem el Conveni Col·lectiu del Cava i dels Vins escumosos de Catalunya. Aquest conveni és d’aplicació obligatòria a les empreses elaboradores de Cava (Denominació d’Origen Cava) i a les empreses elaboradores de qualsevol classe de vi escumós que s’ubiquen a Catalunya. L’actual conveni laboral té una vigència des de l’1 de gener del 2021 fins al 31 de desembre del 2025.
Chairperson: Antoni Olivé (Marqués de la Concordia)
- Carmiña García (Covides)
- Cristina Garcia (Freixenet)
- Isabel Pérez (Masia Vallformosa)
- Montse Badia (Codorníu)
- Pere Pons (Miquel Pons)
- Sandra Ripoll (Juvé & Camps)
Technical commission
Made up of oenologists from the partner wineries, its task is to advise the Board of Directors and follow up on any matter of interest to the companies.
Chairperson: Manel Quintana (Freixenet)
- Àlex Torelló (Celler Kripta)
- Antoni Olivé (Marqués de la Concordia Family of Wines)
- Bruno Colomer (Codorníu)
- Eva Plazas (Vilarnau)
- Gerardo Alcober (Most Doré)
- Glòria Vilomara (Juvé & Camps)
- Jaume Gustems (Masia Vallformosa)
- Joan Rovira (Giró Ribot)
- José Antonio Montilla (C. Castillo de Perelada)
- Maite Esteve (Vins el Cep)
- Maria Galup (Covides)
- Marta Fontanals (Jaume Serra)
- Meritxell Parera (Segura Viudas)
- Mireia Pujol-Busquets (Alta Alella)
- Mireia Tetas (Pinord)
- Montserrat Mascaró (Mascaró)
- Òscar Llombart (Bodegues Sumarroca)
- Pedro Muñoz (Roger Goulart)
- Sebastià Galimany (Pere Ventura)
Comissió d’enoturisme
Creates and coordinates wine tourism initiatives (,, and drives industry professionalization via conferences and training courses.
Chairperson: Manel Figueras (Canals & Munné)
- Anna Martínez (Cellers Alsina)
- Anna Mestres (Blancher)
- Elisabet Díaz (Carol Vallès)
- Eduard Sanfeliu (Giró Ribot)
- Georgina Saumell (Joan Segura Pujadas)
- Glòria Collell (Segura Viudas)
- Laura Romero (Covides)
- Laura Sánchez (Celler Kripta)
- Marc Pagès (Pagès Entrena)
- Marc Pont (Alta Alella)
- Marian Hernando (Juvé & Camps)
- Marta Giró (Giró del Gorner)
- Mercè Sumarroca (Bodegues Sumarroca)
- Mònica Cuadrado (Vins El Cep)
- Sandra Benzal (Rovellats)
- Sam Morales (Vilarnau)
- Tònia Castells (Freixenet)
- Vanesa O’Bree (Codorníu)
Small cava producers commission
Created in 2020 as a result of the union agreement with Pimecava. The small cava producers group is made up of companies with an annual production of fewer than 500,000 bottles.
Chairperson: Carles Andreu (Celler Carles Andreu)
- Joan Aura (Heretat Mestres)
- Josep Cardona (Rovellats)
- Maite Esteve (Vins el Cep)
- Marta Giró (Giró del Gorner)
- Montserrat Mascaró (Mascaró)
- Oriol Trullàs (Raventós Rosell)
- Ramon Giró (Jaume Giró i Giró)
Viticulture group
Made up of viticulture experts from the wineries themselves, its aim is to discuss issues related to climate change, to promote the preparation of studies, to prepare harvest forecasts, to edit the “Viticulture Reports” bulletins in the “Comtats de Barcelona” area, among others.
Lluís Xavier Coll (Masia Vallformosa)
- Àlex Torelló (Celler Kripta)
- Carles Andreu (Celler Carles Andreu)
- Eudald Massana (Eudald Massana)
- Imma Pausas (Codorníu)
- Josep Jiménez (Juvé & Camps)
- Josep M. Galimany (Covides)
- Meritxell Parera (Freixenet)
- Miquel Llordes (Vinícola de Sarral)
- Òscar Llombart (Bodegues Sumarroca)
- Sergi Martí (Vilarnau)
- Vicenç Galbany (Alta Alella)
Integral producers group
Formed by the wineries that have the “Integral producer” seal of the Cava designation of origin.
These wineries carry out 100% of the production process on the property itself.
Most of its production (over 5 million bottles) is organic and classed as Superior Guard (Reserva, Gran Reserva and Caves de Paratge Qualificat).
Representative: Xavier Esteve (Avinyó)
Representative: Maite Esteve (Vins el Cep)
- Alex Torelló Sibill (Celler Kripta)
- Carles Andreu (Celler Carles Andreu)
- Fèlix Torné (Torné & Bel)
- Francesc Suriol (Can Suriol)
- Joan Cusiné (Parés Baltà)
- Josep Elias (Parató)
- Josep M. Pujol-Busquets (Alta Alella)
- Juan Jódar (Juvé & Camps)
- Judit Llop (Casa Sala)
- Luis Velasco (Gatell)
- Marta Giró (Giró del Gorner)
- Ramon Carbó (Blancher)