With a long tradition of viticulture dating back to 1448, the four families that are part of the Vins El Cep project have paradoxically shared, for five centuries, a landscape of vineyards that they have jointly cultivated with great respect for the land.
In this way, with authenticity and an imaginary strength that can be felt in their stories, they have fought to safeguard their vineyards with the idea of creating a unique wine, one that represents a special place that the forces of industrialization seek to destroy.
The bonds of these four families came together in 1980 to jointly produce their cavas, combining their four estates: Can Prats (Carreras family) and Can Simon (Esteve family) in Sant Llorenç d’Hortons, and Can Castany (Masana family) and Can Miquel de les Planes (Parera family) in Gelida.