Cava sales in 2015 showed growth

03 Mar 2016

Cava sales in 2015 showed growth and recovered market share in the EU

Cava sales in 2015 showed growth

Cava sales in 2015 showed growth and recovered market share in the EU

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The Cava Regulatory Board announced a global 0.76% growth in sales during 2015, with a volume of more than 244 million cava bottles sold. Its chairman, Pedro Bonet, highlighted the excellent result experienced in premium cavas, with a growth of 7.33% globally.

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Sales of cava bottles increased in 1,835,000 units (0.76%) in 2015, reaching 244 million bottles. Foreign markets -with a growth of 1.64%- accounted for 157 million bottles, thus 64.41% of the whole cava sales in 2015.

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In particular, sales recovered within the European Union with a 2.15% increase, up to 114 million bottles, due to the recovery in the German market (+8.29%) and the continued progress in the French market (+16.74%).

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Third countries showed an increase in sales of 0.33%, although sales of 20 million bottles to United States (+8.6%) and 7.8 million bottles sold to the demanding Japanese market (+2.14%) are landmarks for the cava industry.

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The local market for cava sales experienced a slight reduction (-0.8%) due mainly to a weak demand during the fourth quarter of 2015.

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Premium cavas
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In 2015 the sale premium cavas -Reserva and Gran Reserva- grew by 7.33%, with more than 29 million bottles. The highest increase was experienced in the foreing market (+23.73%), up to almost 10 million bottles. The Cava Regulatory Board emphasized the good performance in markets where promotional activities, such as ‘Premium Cava Showcase’, ‘Cava Experience’ or ‘Cava Masterclass’, were developed during the year: Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada and United States.

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Once more, cavas lead the world ranking for traditional method sparkling wines exports. They also lead the Spanish ranking for wine exports.

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In 2016 the industry expects to strengthen its footprint and improve the volume of export and worldwide sales of premium cavas, a product class that is key to achieve the public image improvement the cava industry is looking for.

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Photo: CRC
Cava Regulatory Board