Cava Producers Association

AECAVA is an organization that brings together cava producers committed to excellence in quality and enological tradition. With more than 70 years of history, we have been pioneers in the promotion and defence of cava as a cultural and gastronomic heritage of our country.

Cava Producers Association

AECAVA is an organization that brings together cava producers committed to excellence in quality and enological tradition. With more than 70 years of history, we have been pioneers in the promotion and defence of cava as a cultural and gastronomic heritage of our country.

Cava Producers Association

AECAVA is an organization that brings together cava producers committed to excellence in quality and enological tradition. With more than 70 years of history, we have been pioneers in the promotion and defence of cava as a cultural and gastronomic heritage of our country.

companies associated with our employer

people who work in AECAVA's wineries.

millions of euros in market turnover correspond to our associates


of the total bottles of cava are produced by AECAVA wineries


of the DO Cava vineyards in Catalonia are managed directly by associated companies


of the value of Catalan DO wine exports correspond to AECAVA wineries

What is AECAVA?

AECAVA is the employers’ association for Cava. The 75 companies that make up AECAVA share a common passion for the art of making sparkling wine made following the traditional method.


Industry representation


Specialized consultancy


Industry information

Press and communications


AECAVA participará en Prowein 2025 con el Espacio Cava

AECAVA participará en Prowein 2025 con el Espacio Cava

La patronal estará en Düsseldorf con un stand propio con diez bodegas destacadas del sector La Asociación de Elaboradores de Cava (AECAVA) volverá a estar presente en la feria ProWein 2025, uno de los eventos más importantes a nivel mundial del sector vinícola, que...

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas en las bodegas elaboradoras de Cava

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas en las bodegas elaboradoras de Cava

Siguiendo la tradición, se celebrará el 12 de octubre y participarán veinte bodegas Todas las visitas serán con reserva previa Este 2024, las bodegas elaboradoras de Cava participan, un año más, en la popular Jornada de Puertas Abiertas que organiza la Cofradía del...